I started doing yoga after my children were born. I wanted a way to get fit, without turning bright red and getting drenched in sweat. Yoga seemed a good choice, a gentle way to exercise and it seemed to have so many health benefits. Helping to build muscle, regulate breathing, to calm and ease stress. I started with a few drop-in sessions at my local leisure centre and now do yoga every few days.
After being a stay at home mum for a few years and living through the COVID crisis. I found returning to daily life very stressful. Feeling very anxious before going into new situations and when meeting people. I would find it hard to relax afterward, to unwind and feel calm. Yoga helps so much with my anxieties, helping to calm my breathing and clear my head. My little girl watching me do yoga asked to join-in and now we do it together.
The Mooki Cards contain a “Calm Down Yoga” card. To help dyslexic children focus and relax. Use the card below on your phone or tablet for free!
This card is based on scientific research, on "Trends in Mental Health Care Among Children".
To learn more about dyslexic kids and mental health, see "Healthy Habits Card".
Tops Tips from Dyslexic Mum
Yoga Time - Find a time in the day to do yoga, this maybe before doing homework, to help child with concentration. Doing just 1 or 2 poses for a few minutes can help focus the child's mind.
Balloon Breathing - When doing yoga it is important to focus on breathing. This helps the body relax and calms the mind. Ask the child to imagine when they breath in, that their stomach is a balloon filling-up. Breathing in slowly, before relaxing on the out breath.
Relax & Focus - Yoga is good to do before a stressful school day. This may include when the child has to do a spelling test, or has to read aloud in class. It can help calm the child and reduce their feelings of anxiety. Yoga is also good to relax the child after a stressful day at school.
All the cards are available as part of a "Mooki Cards". Complete with 56 cards and storage wallet. Perfect for using at home or in the classroom. Order your "Mooki Cards" here!
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