Mooki 10 Minute Courses

Top 5 Learn Timetables Dyslexia Ages 5-7+ Kids - How to Help Dyslexic child at Home

Understand why dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ struggle to remember times-tables. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child learn to times-tables.

Top 5 Learn to Tell the Time Dyslexia Ages 5-7+ Kids - How to Help Dyslexic child at Home

Understand why dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ struggle to tell the time. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child learn to tell the time.

Top 5 Improve Dyslexia Handwriting Ages 5-7+ Kids - How to Help Dyslexic child at Home

Spot the signs of dyslexia in handwriting in children ages 5-7+. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child improve their handwriting.

Dyslexia Champions 2024 - No Dyslexic child Left Behind, Mooki Cards Campaign

Helping every dyslexic child get the help they need and deserve. Claim your free pack of Mooki cards and learn how to use them.

Dyslexia Training for Teachers & Parents Online, Easy 10 Min Course - Learn How to Help a Child Home & Classroom

Made easy, learn how to help a dyslexic child in just 30 mins. Learn about dyslexia, how it affects a child, with practical 10 min activities to help.

Top 5 Learn Reading Dyslexia Ages 5-7+ Kids - How To Help Dyslexic Child At Home

Help dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ when reading. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child learn to enjoy reading.

Dyslexia Resources Printable Worksheets PDFs

Dyslexia worksheets to use during the "10 Minute Mooki Card courses". See printable PDF copies of the worksheets. Print for use a home or in the classroom.

Help Dyslexic Child 10 Min Puzzles Word Sounds, Course for Parents, Carers and Teachers

Easy 10 min puzzles, practise word sounds. Try 3 activities, taking just 10 minutes per day.

Help Dyslexic Child By Learning the Signs of Dyslexia Course for Parents, Carers and Teachers

Easy learn how to spot the signs of dyslexia. Try 3 activities, taking just 10 minutes per day.

Help Dyslexic Child Understand Dyslexia, Learn to Explain Easily Course for Parents, Carers and Teachers

Easy Understand Dyslexia! Try 3 activities, taking just 10 minutes per day.

Help Dyslexic Child Learn Word Sounds, 10 Min Fun Games Course for Parents, Carers and Teachers

Easy play 10 min fun word games! Try 3 activities, taking just 10 minutes per day.

Top 5 Learn New Words, Read & Write Ages 5-7+ Kids - How To Help Dyslexic Child At Home

Try multi-sensory learning to help dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ to read and write new words.

Top 5 Learn Get Organised & Motivated Dyslexia Ages 5-7+ Kids - How To Help Dyslexic Child At Home

Help dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ to get organised and motivated. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child to plan and achieve goals.

Help Dyslexic Child Get Organised and Build Independence Course for Parents, Carers and Teachers

Easy Get Organised and Build Independence! Try 3 activities, taking just 10 minutes per day.

Help Dyslexic Child Learn to Communicate if they Understand Instructions Course for Parents, Carers and Teachers

Easy Communication Tools! Try 3 activities, taking just 10 minutes per day.

Top 5 Build Confidence Dyslexia Ages 5-7+ Kids - How to Help Dyslexic child at Home

Help dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ to build confidence. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child boost self-esteem.

Top 5 Practice Spelling Dyslexia Ages 5-7+ Kids - How To Help Dyslexic Child At Home

Help dyslexic kids ages 7+ to learn new spellings. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child to practise new spellings.

Top 5 Emotional Problems Dyslexia Ages 5-7+ Kids - How To Help Dyslexic Child At Home

Help dyslexic children ages 5-7+ to manage emotions. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child improve their wellbeing.

Help Dyslexic Child with Anger Management Course for Parents, Carers and Teachers

Easy Manage Angry Outbursts! Try 3 activities, taking just 10 minutes per day.

Assessments for Dyslexia, Step by Step Guide

Understand assessments for dyslexia. Everything from speaking to the child's teachers. To understanding how to organise an assessment.

Reasons Our Customers Love Us...

“This (Mooki Cards) has been our game changer. Never before did he get any, last week we had 9 outta 12”

Lyndsey D

“Dyslexic Mum has some wonderful really useful cards, you can read through them yourself and use some together. I'm finding them really useful as is my son”

Laura W


The Dyslexia Show

You need to get these cards, so much useful information and help

Amanda F

“We used the morning check list with pictures, the last few days it has made her less anxious visually seeing how much (little) she had to do. Great tip”

Laura W