Understand why dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ struggle to remember times-tables. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child learn to times-tables.
Understand why dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ struggle to tell the time. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child learn to tell the time.
Spot the signs of dyslexia in handwriting in children ages 5-7+. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child improve their handwriting.
Helping every dyslexic child get the help they need and deserve. Claim your free pack of Mooki cards and learn how to use them.
Made easy, learn how to help a dyslexic child in just 30 mins. Learn about dyslexia, how it affects a child, with practical 10 min activities to help.
Help dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ when reading. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child learn to enjoy reading.
Dyslexia worksheets to use during the "10 Minute Mooki Card courses". See printable PDF copies of the worksheets. Print for use a home or in the classroom.
Easy 10 min puzzles, practise word sounds. Try 3 activities, taking just 10 minutes per day.
Easy learn how to spot the signs of dyslexia. Try 3 activities, taking just 10 minutes per day.
Easy Understand Dyslexia! Try 3 activities, taking just 10 minutes per day.
Easy play 10 min fun word games! Try 3 activities, taking just 10 minutes per day.
Try multi-sensory learning to help dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ to read and write new words.
Help dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ to get organised and motivated. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child to plan and achieve goals.
Easy Get Organised and Build Independence! Try 3 activities, taking just 10 minutes per day.
Easy Communication Tools! Try 3 activities, taking just 10 minutes per day.
Help dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ to build confidence. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child boost self-esteem.
Help dyslexic kids ages 7+ to learn new spellings. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child to practise new spellings.
Help dyslexic children ages 5-7+ to manage emotions. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child improve their wellbeing.
Easy Manage Angry Outbursts! Try 3 activities, taking just 10 minutes per day.
Understand assessments for dyslexia. Everything from speaking to the child's teachers. To understanding how to organise an assessment.