Support Dyslexic Children

Fact About Dyslexia Top 10

Read top 10 facts about dyslexia, backed by trusted referenced sources. Includes fun facts and strengths of dyslexia. See a list of famous dyslexic people and what they have achieved.

What is Dyspraxia? Top 10 Questions, Answered

Learn about the differences between dyspraxia and dyslexia. Both are learning difficulties and share many similar traits. Understand how best to help a child with dyspraxia learn.

Does Learning How to Touch Type Help Dyslexia Kids?

Top 10 touch typing programmes to help a dyslexic child learn to type. Touch typing can help improve issues with handwriting, spelling and grammar.

Does Dyslexia Affect Maths? Are Dyslexics Good at Maths?

Learn why dyslexic children may struggle with Maths and Numbers. Includes top tips to help them with Maths in a dyslexic friendly way.

Dyslexia Courses for Parents and Teachers

Dyslexia courses for parents and teachers. Learn how to help a dyslexic child, with everything from confidence to reading.

Does Dyslexia Run in Families, from Mum or Dad? True Parent Stories

Where did dyslexia come from in your family? Read comments from parents, carers of dyslexic children.

Dyslexia Cards

Dyslexia card decks can help dyslexic children learn. They are quick, easy to use with 10 minute activities to help a child practise their reading and writing. learn more about dyslexia flash cards.

Dyslexia Coloured Paper

Coloured papers are often used to help dyslexic children read and write better. Learn more about how effective they are.

Dyslexia Schools Uk

List of top dyslexia schools in the U.K. Read which dyslexia friendly private schools offer reduced tuition fees for dyslexic children.

Famous Dyslexics Quotes

Inspire a dyslexic child, by reading them quotes from successful and famous dyslexic people. Learn how dyslexia helped them achieve great things.

Dyslexic Child Behavior Problems

Dyslexic children can feel emotions stronger and struggle to control their behaviour. Understand this can lead to angry outbursts and ADHD type behaviour.

Homeschooling with Dyslexia UK

Should you home-school a child with dyslexia? Learn the pros and cons of homeschooling. Find online programmes you can use to teach from home.

Is my Child Dyslexic?

Dyslexia test to see if a child is dyslexic. Spot the signs in their reading, writing and spelling. Learn how to give dyslexia support and build a child's comfidence.

Is my daughter dyslexic?

How to spot dyslexia is a child's reading, writing and spelling. Understand the top dyslexia flags and how to get tested. See link to NHS advice and support.

Dyslexia is a Learning Disability True or False?

Find the answer to the question, is dyslexia a learning disability. Understand the signs and the help that can be given to a dyslexic child.

Signs of dyslexia in 5 year old, How can you tell?

Look for these signs of dyslexia in a 5 year-old child. You can see these signs in a young child's writing, speaking, and behaviour.

Dyslexia Test Top 5 Free Online Dyslexia Test for Kids

Try on-line tests to see if a child has the signs of dyslexia. Spot top signs in their writing and speaking.

What Is Dysgraphia? Top 10 Questions, Answered

A child that struggles with handwriting, maybe have dysgraphia. Learn more about this learning difficulty and how to help.

What is Dyscalculia? Top 10 Questions, Answered

A child that struggles with learning maths, maybe have dyscalculia. Learn more about this learning difficulty and how to help.

Do dyslexics have a higher IQ? Are Dyslexics Smarter?

Dyslexic children can struggle with learning, yet still be very smart. Understand how dyslexia affects intelligence and dyslexic strengths.

Dyslexia Support in United Kingdom, where can I get dyslexia help?

Find out where to get dyslexia support and advice. See list of dyslexia organisations in the U.K and private assessment centers.

At what age should a child be able to spell his name? Dyslexic Kids

Learn at what age should a child with and without dyslexia should be able to spell their name. Includes top tips to help kids learn new spellings.

Top 10 How can I improve my 7 year olds spelling? Dyslexic Kids

What words should a 7 year old be able to spell? Top tips on to help a dyslexic child to learn new spellings.

How can I help my child read UK? Top 10 Online Reading Programmes Dyslexia

Use technology to help a dyslexic child learn to read, write and spell. See top 10 online learning programmes for dyslexia.

Is Nessy good for Dyslexic Children? Reading programmes for dyslexia

Nessy is an on-line reading and spelling tool, that is used in many U.K schools and homes. Learn how it could help a dyslexic child to learn.

Dyslexia Top 20 Charities, Companies, Influencers, Awards

Looking for dyslexia support and advice. See top dyslexia association and companies, so you can get the help you need.

Signs of Dyslexia in 4 year old child, how to help them

Spot the signs of dyslexia for a child age 4. Children at this age are usually starting school, see the signs in their writing, speaking and behaviour.

Is it worth getting a proper dyslexia assessment? Top 10 Parent/ Carers stories

Learn from other parents/carers of dyslexic children. Read their experiences of formal dyslexia assessments.

How to tell if my child has dyslexia, Top 10 Parents Stories

Why and when did you think your child was dyslexic? Read top parent/carer comments, of how they spots dyslexia signs in child.

The Dyslexia Show 2024 U.K, when is it?

Attend the biggest Dyslexia event in the U.K, The Dyslexia Show. Learn more about what will be there.

Dyslexia and entrepreneurship, are most millionaires dyslexic?

Dyslexic people are more likely to be successful in business. Read what makes them good entrepreneurs.

Spelling word for 7 year olds, what should they be able to spell?

Fun ways to teach a dyslexic child how to spell. See list of common words 7 year old's can usually spell.

Phonics Worksheets PDF: Teaching a Child to Read

Phonics worksheets are a helpful tool for teaching children or adults to read. See top website for printable worksheets.

Is my child dyslexic quiz, answer top dyslexia questions

This quiz helps parents/carers understand if their child might have dyslexia and what are the signs.

Dyslexia Test for Kids & Adults, Do I have Dyslexia?

Learn about the signs of dyslexia. Find out about the different types of dyslexia tests and what they include.

Best Type Font for Dyslexia, What is a Dyslexia Friendly Font?

Changing the font on written text can help a dyslexic child read better. See examples of dyslexia friendly fonts.

Should I Tell my Child that she is Dyslexia? How to Talk to Your Child about Dyslexia

Learn the possible pros and cons of telling your child they have dyslexia.

Dealing with Anger in Children, Top Parenting Tips

Top tips from parents, about how they deal with their child having an angry outburst. Read advice about what to do with the child and what to say during an angry meltdown.

Day 5 Parent Champions, Avoiding Angry Outbursts Parenting Workshop

Day 5 Avoiding Angry Outbursts workshop, theme "Adult Champions". Start taking time for yourself, parenting self-care.

Day 4 Slow Down, Stress Less, Avoiding Angry Outbursts Parenting Workshop

Day 4 Avoiding Angry Outbursts workshop, theme "Slow Down, Stress Less ". Try activities to practise mindfulness.

Day 3 Can we Talk More? Avoiding Angry Outbursts Parenting Workshop

Day 3 Avoiding Angry Outbursts workshop, theme "Can we talk more?". Help turn negative feelings into positive thoughts.

Day 2 How you feeling today? Avoiding Angry Outbursts Parenting Workshop

Day 2 Avoiding Angry Outbursts workshop, theme "How are you feeling today?" Start talking about how the child is feeling.

Day 1 Lets Talk Anger, Avoiding Angry Outbursts Parenting Workshop

Day 1 Avoiding Angry Outbursts workshop, theme "Let's Talk Anger"! Start talking about what makes a child feel angry.

Avoiding Angry Outburst Parenting Workshop

This workshop is designed for parents/ carers, even teachers of dyslexic children. Giving you the tools to talk to a dyslexic child about their feelings.

What is it like to have dyslexia? My story by the Dyslexic Mum

Learn about the Dyslexic Mum. What it was like for her growing-up with dyslexia. How this inspired her to help her own and other dyslexic children.

Reading Champion Certificate Online Template Free

Help a dyslexic child learn to love reading, by working towards them becoming a reading champion. Download free printable reading champions certificate.

Dyslexia Bootcamp Mums Diary, Top Tips!

Get top tips from mum of a dyslexic child, that completed the dyslexia boot-camp. Learn best how to help your child.

How to get dyslexia help from school, handy letter template to send!

Getting dyslexia help from school is about asking the right question. Use this letter template to get the right help.

Press Coverage, Events and Projects

Learn more about the story behind Dyslexic Mum. See links to press coverage, events and projects that have featured Dyslexic Mum.

Week 6 Dyslexic Mum Bootcamp - School Ready

Welcome to week 6 of Dyslexic Mum boot-camp. The theme this week is "School Ready". Try these quick 10 activities to learn how to help your dyslexic child.

Week 4 Dyslexic Mum Bootcamp - Reading Champions

Welcome to week 4 of Dyslexic Mum boot-camp. The theme this week is "Reading Champions". Try these quick 10 activities to learn how to help your dyslexic child.

Week 3 Dyslexic Mum Bootcamp - Managing Emotions

Welcome to week 3 of Dyslexic Mum boot-camp. The theme this week is "Managing Emotions". Try these quick 10 activities to learn how to help your dyslexic child.

Week 2 Dyslexic Mum Bootcamp - Help! I am Dyslexic

Welcome to week 2 of Dyslexic Mum boot-camp. The theme this week is "Help! I am Dyslexic". Try these quick 10 activities to learn how to help your dyslexic child.

Week 1 Dyslexic Mum Bootcamp - Understanding Dyslexia

Welcome to week 1 of Dyslexic Mum boot-camp. The theme this week is "Understanding Dyslexia". Try these quick 10 activities to learn how to help your dyslexic child.

Dyslexic Mum Boot-camp 6 Weeks for Parents/ Carers

Join the Dyslexic Mum 6 week boot-camp, to learn how to help your dyslexic child. Commit just 10 mins a day, to learn practice and learn activities.

How to Teach a Dyslexic Child to Read and Write, Top Tips!

Understand why dyslexic children struggle to read and write. Includes dyslexia friendly top tips for helping them learn.

Dyslexia Assessments for Kids U.K - Top Questions Answered by Expert

Top dyslexia assessment questions, answered by expert dyslexia assessor. Read the full interview from the on-line webinar.

Dyslexia in Children, Guide for Parents of Primary School Aged Child

Understand the signs of dyslexia in a child and how to help. Learn how dyslexia affects the whole child, including with emotions.

Is Dyslexia a Learning Disability?

Better understand dyslexia and why it is recognised as a learning difficulty in the U.K. Learn the signs of dyslexia and the type of support that can help.

Dysgraphia: What is it, What are the signs and How to help?

Dysgraphia like dyslexia is a learning difficulty. Yet the signs and symptons are different from dyslexia. Learn what the signs of Dysgraphia are and how to help.

Dyslexia: A Guide for Parents and Carers of Dyslexic Children

Discover advice and tips to support dyslexic children. By empowering you the parents and carers. You can then better support your child.

Dyslexia is a Learning Difficulty, True or False?

Understand if dyslexia is a learning difficulty. Includes information on what causes dyslexia and dyslexia tests.

Famous People with Dyslexia - Actors, Musicians, Leaders

Give a dyslexic child strong role models. By showing them famous people that are successful and have dyslexia.

Dysgraphia Vs Dyslexia, What is the Difference?

Understand the difference between Dysgraphia and Dyslexia. Learn common signs of each learning difficulty.

Free Diagnostic Assessments for Dyslexia, Parliament Petition Sign Now!

Help all children access formal dyslexia assessments for free. Together we can change the unfair dyslexia system.

Should I tell my Child she is Dyslexia? How can I explain in a positive way?

Learn why telling a child that they have dyslexia, can help them feel more confident and happy.

Dyslexia Reading Aids, to Help Child Read & Write Easier

Top 10 dyslexia reading aid for reading, writing and spelling. This technology can be used help a dyslexic child learn easier.

Dyslexia tools for reading & Do Coloured Filters Work?

Learn about dyslexia tools for reading, including assistive technology. Find out what is scientifically proven to work.

Dyslexic Mum Top Tips, Teach Dyslexic Child New Words at Home

I taught my dyslexic child to read and write new words at home. Here is what happened and what worked best.

Dyslexia Fonts, do they make Writing Easier to Read?

Does changing the font on writing, using coloured filters. Make it easier for a dyslexic child to read? Find out the truth.

Where can I get a Dyslexia Test for Adults in U.K?

Are you an adult that thinks they have dyslexia? Maybe you want to return to education and be given a second chance. Learn about formal dyslexia assessments.

Does Dyslexia Affect Memory? Dyslexic Kids

Dyslexic children may struggle to remember spellings, dates and facts. Learn techniques to help boost their memory.

Dyslexia Champions, Teaching Assistant Awards 2023

Do you know a teaching assistant, dyslexia champion that has gone above and beyond to help a child?

Hard Words for Dyslexics to Read, Learn Tricky Words

Learn which words are hardest for dyslexic children to read and why. Ideas to help them learn these "Tricky Words".

How Can I Help My Dyslexic Child Become Better at Reading?

Help your child become a champion reader. If they can read they will do so much better at school.

Help Your Dyslexic Child Learn How to Spell New Words

Fun games to help your child learn how to write and spell new words. Includes word lists to practise at home.

Parent & Carer of Dyslexic Child, How Can I Offer Emotional Support?

Toolkit for parents, carers to help their dyslexic child manage their emotions. Includes self-care tips.

My Dyslexic Child is Unhappy, Feeling Demotivated. How Can I help?

Activities to do with your child. To help them cope with negative emotions and to self build confidence.

Help Dyslexic Child Write Essays, Stories, Plan Projects Aged 7+

Learn methods of help dyslexic children get their ideas down on paper. Including information on assistive technology.

How do I Explain Dyslexia to My Child in a Positive Way?

Play these fun games to explain dyslexia to your child. Build their confidence by showing them that being dyslexic can be their super-power.

I Think My Child Has Dyslexia, How Can I Get Extra Help?

Are you worried that your child may have dyslexia? Unsure how to get help from school? See this helpful guide, so your child gets the help they need.

How to Teach a Dyslexic Child to Read & Write New Words

Unsure where to start when teaching a dyslexic child? Use this plan to get back to basics.

When is Dyslexia Awareness Week 2023? Activities for Schools

Hold a dyslexia awareness day at your school. Learn about this can help children understand more about dyslexia.

What Should Dyslexic Children at Primary School Know? National Curriculum

Links to all the national curriculum, English checklists. What primary school children in the U.K should be able to do.

My Dyslexic Child is Struggling in School, What Can I do to Help?

Help your child by getting them the right support from school. Learn ways to give your child extra help at home.

What should a dyslexic child aged 7-11 know? Years 3- 6 National Curriculum

Checklist of what every child in Years 3-7. Should be learning at school in the U.K.

What should a dyslexic child aged 6-7 know? Year 2 National Curriculum

Checklist of what every Year 2 child in the U.K should be learning at school.

What should a dyslexic child aged 5- 6 know? Year 1 National Curriculum

Checklist of what every Year 1 child in the U.K should be learning at school.

How to Teach Dyslexic Child at home, Step by Step Guide

Forget expensive private tutors, on-line dyslexia subscriptions. You can start teaching your own child at home now. Here is a step by step guide.

Signs of Dyslexia in 5 Year Old Child

Learn about signs of dyslexia in child aged 5. Spot signs in their writing. Understand what they should be learning in class.

Made by Dyslexia with Katie Griggs, Helping Children

Learn about "Made by Dyslexia", in association with Katie Griggs. A worldwide dyslexia charity. Working towards improving the lives of dyslexic children and adults.

Which type of Dyslexia does my Child Have?

Learn about the learning difficulties, that can appear as another type of dyslexia. All linked to brain processing issues.

Is Dyslexia a Learning Disability? Learn the Facts

Confused about if dyslexia is a learning disability? Read what makes dyslexia a disability, backed by scientific facts.

What is Dyslexia? Explain Simply to a Child

Help a child understand what dyslexia is, by playing these fun games. Build their confidence and show them they could have a bright future ahead.

How Dyslexic Effected Me During Childhood

How being dyslexic effected me as a child in the 1980s. Learn how things have changed and how you can help your child now.

Top 10 Reasons for Dyslexic Girls to Study Science

Less than 24% of scientists are women. The dyslexic brain is creative, good for science subjects. Learn reasons why a dyslexic girl should study science.

My Dyslexic Child is being Bullied at School what Should I do?

Information and advice to help you support a dyslexic child, that is being bullied.

Top Signs that Dyslexic Child Needs Mental Health Support

Learn the signs that a dyslexic child maybe struggling with their mental health. How charities act to help young people offering support.

Dyslexia Top Children's Story Books

Showing a child a dyslexic role model, can help them feel happier. It can help them understand what dyslexia is and how they can live with it.

Emotional Support - Top 10 Raise a Happy Dyslexic Child

Children are our most important resource. We should invest time in them, be present for them, enter their world and let them be part of ours.

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The Dyslexia Show

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