Start to help the child become independent and motivated. Give them the tools to get organised, both at school and at home. Making healthy habits a part of their daily routine.
Learn how to make a reward chart, to encourage a dyslexic child to stick to tasks. Give rewards that are healthy and fun.
Make a Goal Ladder to help dyslexic child work towards a goal. Use to focus and motive, by breaking task into manageable chunks.
Get ready for school on time, give dyslexic child this picture checklist. Encourage them to become more independent.
Follow this good bed-time routine, to wind-down child before bed. Help calm hyper behaviour, for restful sleep.
Remember school time-table, when to bring P.E, swimming kit. Learn to make a picture time-table.
Promote good mental and physical health. Help get child in healthy habits and calm ADHD type behaviour.