Check Dyslexic Child has Understood Instructions

Getting my little girl do anything was struggle. Frustrated I would myself saying things like. "Do I have to keep asking you to pick your toys up?" or "How many times do I have to tell you to stop?". I felt like she did not listen to me or did not want to follow instructions.

When my little girl started to read and write, it became clearer that like me, she was dyslexic. I started to realise that maybe it was not, that she was not listening to me. That maybe she did not understand what she was being asked to do. To help my little girl understand instructions I started to use the idea on the card below. Use this idea to help your dyslexic child too.

Hear Instructions Card

The Mooki Cards contain a “Hear Instructions” card. Use the card below on your phone or tablet for free!

This card is based on scientific research, "Dyslexia, A Multi-disciplinary Approach".

Process Information Dyslexia

  • Dyslexia can effect children in many different ways. It is an issue with how the brain processes information. So this can mean the child struggles to, learn to write or to take in verbal information.
  • The dyslexic brain thinks better in pictures, then in words. So if a dyslexic child is given a spoken instruction. Their brain may struggle to take it in and understand the information. This is called "Auditory Dyslexia".
  • Getting a dyslexic child to repeat back instructions they have heard helps them. This repetition makes the child more likely to remember and the understand the instructions.

Learn more, "Why do Dyslexic's have Trouble Following Instructions".

Understand Instructions

Top Tips Dyslexic Mum

  • Say it Back - Check the dyslexic child has understood your instructions, by getting them to say it back to you. This helps show that they have heard you correctly.
  • Do they Understand - Then ask them, "Do you understand what you need to do?" If they are unsure, you can talk to them about what they need to do. Try showing them objects, pictures, do a demonstration. The dyslexic brain works better by seeing things, then by hearing words.
  • Simple Task - At first practise following verbal instructions with the child. By asking them do simple tasks or to answer simple questions. This will help the child become more comfortable with asking follow-up questions. Knowing it is ok not to understand and to ask for more help understanding.

All the cards are available as part of a "Mooki Cards". Complete with 56 cards and storage wallet. Perfect for using at home or in the classroom. Order your "Mooki Cards" here!

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“Dyslexic Mum has some wonderful really useful cards, you can read through them yourself and use some together. I'm finding them really useful as is my son”

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The Dyslexia Show

You need to get these cards, so much useful information and help

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“We used the morning check list with pictures, the last few days it has made her less anxious visually seeing how much (little) she had to do. Great tip”

Laura W