The Foundations of Reading: Back To Basics For Children With Dyslexia

Dyslexia effects me everyday as an adult now, yet I have learned many tricks to hide it and get by. I could not have done my teaching jobs without spell checker, as I am unable to spell. When writing letters, I guess where to put commas and full stops. When reading a new word, I find it very difficult to sound out and have to ask someone to say it out loud for me to remember.

Many of my problems come from having large gaps in my learning at school. My dyslexia made it hard for me to learn, rather then the teachers helping me catch-up I was simply moved on to new work. Some teachers would even punish me, making me stand in the corridor during classes. So I missed even more chances to learn. This means I have now rocky foundations in reading and writing.

Reading Staircase Card

The Mooki Cards contain a “Reading Staircase” card. Help dyslexic children build strong foundations in reading. Use the card below on your phone or tablet for free!

This card is based on scientific research, see "Phonetics Awareness Intervention".

  • Dyslexic children can muddle through school and have gaps in their learning. This means they have rocky foundations in reading, writing and spelling. Having rocky foundations, makes it more difficult for them to learn new information.
  • A child with gaps in their learning, may struggle to read and write basic, two, three, four letter words. Unable to do the basics, they will then struggle at every level of education. It may appear that their dyslexia is getting worse, as the work gets harder and they fall further behind.
  • The "Reading Staircase" on the card above, is a step by step guide to how reading should be taught. To ensure a child has strong foundations in reading. They should have had mastered each step, before moving onto the next step. Being a good reader, also helps a child be better at writing and spelling words.
  • If a child is able to read new information, read questions in a test. They are more likely to understand and give correct answers. This helps the child in all areas of their school work and learning.

Climb the Reading Staircase

Top Tips Dyslexic Mum

Use this card with other cards in the deck, to help the child climb the reading staircase. Check where the child is on the reading staircase, spot any gaps in learning. Help them become a better reader on step at a time.

Steps on the Reading Staircase - Cards to Use

  1. Syllables - Clapping Syllables Card
  2. Rhyming - Rhyming Tags Card
  3. Alliterations - Awesome Alliterations Card
  4. On-set Rime - Words Families Card
  5. Sound Identification - Start and End Sounds Card
  6. Blending Sounds -Blending Sounds Card

Step by Step - Each step on the reading staircase has a card to use, that has a fun game. Play the game with the child. If they are able to match the correct words, sounds. You may move on to the next step, or play again for more practice.

Gaps in Learning - Do one step at a time on "Reading Staircase", see card above. If the child struggles with any of the steps, this shows where they may have a gap in their learning. The child may need more help in this area, to make them a better reader.

Word Lists - The fun games on the "Reading Staircase" cards can be played time and time again. Using the "Words List" cards to practise more words and sounds. The more the child practises words, sounds, the better they will become at reading and writing.

All the cards are available as part of a "Mooki Cards". Complete with 56 cards and storage wallet. Perfect for using at home or in the classroom. Order your "Mooki Cards" here!

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